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A long ambiguous area of study, the Incarnation Cross is said to be the job description of one’s life. The Incarnation Cross is the life theme, purpose, or archetype of awareness that we are imprinted with at birth, as described by the Human Design System.  While Human Design and The Gene Keys delve deeply into their respective topics, a comprehensive description of each Incarnation Cross theme is difficult to come by. This guidebook serves to open this area of study for personal interpretation and self-reflection about the themes that follow us. Inside these pages is an analysis of Incarnation Cross information in a cohesive format so the reader can contemplate their themes and the themes of those who pass through their life.

Incarnation Cross can reveal the flavor of our high and low periods. It might reveal why certain people come into our lives at poignant moments to have an impact on us. It reveals the higher work that shines through us when we live as our highest self.

Incarnation Cross: A Guidebook of Purpose Archetypes From Human Design and the G

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